Luodaan yhdessä oppimisen iloa

International Business 6 op, lv 2024-2025, UEF


The course is at the Bachelor level. The course belongs to the Basic Studies, Management and Leadership (johtamisen perusopinnot), the Basic Studies, Marketing (Markkinoinnin perusopinnot), the Intermediate studies, Marketing and Retailing (Johtamisen aineopinnot) and the Intermediate Studies, Business Administration (Kauppatieteiden aineopinnot).

Content: Key concepts of international business theory and practice, key actors of international business and principles of their operations, major elements of political, legal, economic environments, related risks, cultural dimensions and risks in the light of international business communication and relationship-building, essentials of business ethics in the international context, essentials of international trade, FDI and regional economic integration, key features of emerging markets’ business environment and local actors.


01.12.2024 – 31.07.2025


Introduction to Management, Introduction to Marketing or equivalent competence.


Knowledge related objectives:

Student will be able to define the main concepts of international business, understand the complexity and dynamic nature of international business and develop an overview about main actors, economic and political forces of international business. Student will also be able to understand the underlying rationales of the impact of international environment on business activities and identify and classify the major risks and opportunities of global marketplace.

Skills related objectives:

Student will be able to interpret the trends and realities of global business environment in relation to multicultural business planning and compare international markets according to their risks and opportunities for doing business.

Generic competences: leadership, internationality


6 op


Sari-Johanna Karhapää


Independent study online and an online exam total 162 h. Moodle exam.

The study unit is held in the period 4.


Scale on grade 0-5.


– Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G. & Riesenberger, J.: International Business. The New Realities. Fifth Edition or newer. Pearson Prentice Hall. (Also e-book available in the UEF library)
– Other course material on Moodle


Itä-Suomen yliopisto


Tiina Laurikainen
p. 050 3754 977

Lisätietoja hakeutumisesta

Registration takes place through the registration form found on this page.

Each participant is also instructed to register with the Open University of Eastern Finland.

Participants will receive an information letter about the studies by email during week 33, and for registrations made after that, approximately 2 working days after registration.

Muu informaatio

You may start your studies as early as July 1 with the ”Aikuisopiskelijan opiskelutaidot” -section organized by Päijät-Hämeen kesäyliopisto.

Aikuisopiskelijan opiskelutaido -section does not grant ECTS credits and is not part of the official degree requirements. Participation in the Study Skills section is voluntary and it is conducted on Päijät-Hämeen kesäyliopisto EduGo learning platform. Participants will receive a username to log in to the EduGo platform. Aikuisopiskelijan opiskelutaidot -section can be completed at your own pace during the 2024-2025 academic year.

We reserve the right to make changes to the teaching program.


– The fee charged by Päijät-Hämeen kesäyliopisto is 90 euros. – The fee charged by the Open University of Eastern Finland for an individual course is 12 euros per ECTS credit.

The studies are included in the annual tuition fee of Päijät-Hämeen kesäyliopisto. The annual fee charged by the Päijät-Hämeen kesäyliopisto is 90 euros. This one-time fee allows you to study an unlimited number of specific Open University courses at Päijät-Hämeen kesäyliopisto during the 2024-2025 academic year. Kesäyliopisto will collect the annual fee from the participant at the beginning of the studies.

In addition to the annual fee, you will pay the fee charged by the Open University of Eastern Finland directly to the Open University of Eastern Finland. Kesäyliopisto will provide instructions at the beginning of the studies.

Further information about tuition fees


02.06.2025 mennessä


Cancellation Policy of Päijät-Hämeen kesäyliopisto:

You can cancel your participation free of charge if you do so by August 11, 2024.

For registrations made from August 12, 2024, onwards, you can cancel your participation free of charge within 7 days of registration. If you cancel your participation more than 7 days after registration and the invoice has already been issued, we will charge a study fee of 90 euros. Please cancel in writing by sending a message to or

Cancellation Policy of the Open University of Eastern Finland:

Study fees will not be refunded nor will the invoicing of the study fee be waived after registering as a student at the Open University of Eastern Finland.

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